
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The New Jersey Moron

So here's the first idiot we'll cover. This person has been parking in front of my house illegally for the better part of two weeks. And he parks poorly, too. This is actually one of his better parking jobs. Usually he's parked diagonally, anywhere from a foot to two feet away from the curb.

A few days ago I put a note on his car pointing out that a no-stopping zone is also a no-parking zone. That worked for a couple days... but now he's back. And his idiocy prompted this blog.

(That silver car is my wife pulling out of our driveway and probably thinking I'm a crotchedy old bastard.)

Here's his license plate number. Apparently he feels that because he supports the NJ State Police he can park anywhere. Please feel free to take appropriate action against this idiot. Especially if you're the Columbus police.

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